Sunday, May 20, 2018

Reading Through the Bible in a Year: An Unfathomable Achievement

I write this blog because I just stated reading a new NIV Women's Bible that my husband purchased for me. I was curious how long it would take me to read it if I actually started on page 1 and read straight through the entire Bible. My attention span is not very long, so most books I actually read from the back and go forward. I know it's strange, but it tremendously enhances my confidence that I can finish the book because I already reached the end. (I had to change my strategy in editing my husband's new book series because it's fictional.)

Anyways, I took 1400 pages, which is the length of my new Bible, and divided it by 365 days. I realized that to finish the Bible start to finish in a year, I would only have to read 4 pages a day! And that's not even full pages. That's one side of a page!

I tell you this to encourage you that reading the Bible in a year is not some unfathomable achievement. It's something that anyone can do, anyone that can read. I know our mind is the biggest mountain that stands in the way of any achievement. So, I hope that you remember, it's just 4 pages a day (which may vary slightly) and you are on your way through the entire written copy of the Word of God.

Thanks for reading!

~Melissa Seng

Saturday, May 19, 2018

The Gift of Motherhood Far Outlives Mother's Day

Mother's Day is about catering to Moms. The family may take over the housework, cook dinner, and buy a gift for Mom to make her feel special. But, most often, what means most is the family being together: it's the greatest gift of all on Mother's Day. As Psalm 127:3 tells us, children are a blessing from the Lord.

As that special day has past only one week ago, I encourage Moms to recognize that every day matters. Every morning is a new opportunity to enjoy our kids and our spouse. Every morning is a new day to teach them, to read to them, to instill in them valuable lessons that can benefit them for their entire lives. It's a new day to show them patience, kindness, and compassion. Every day we are valuable to our kids.

I want to encourage Moms not to give in to the culture that tells us that money matters more than our kids. Our kids will not be kids forever. God gives us the gift of raising our kids only for a short time, and we need to remind ourselves to put our family first. Raising kids looks different in every home; however, sometimes we need to regroup and redirect our steps. As a mother, our roles can become complicated. But, I encourage you to always remember that motherhood is a gift because you mean the world to your kids.

My husband told me about a video he saw on Facebook  of a bee becoming attached to a person. Apparently the bee had lost its wings and was comforted in spending time on this person's hand. The bee would lay there and just be content. My husband even told me that it was "cute." That's a bee. How much more do our kids need us?

I pray you realize every day that you mean the world to your family.

Thanks for reading!

~Melissa Seng

Friday, May 18, 2018

School Shootings: How Do We Protect Our Children?

I start off by saying that today we have seen another school shooting in our great country. These events are heart-breaking, and the Bible tells us that evil is real. In Ephesians 6:12, we read "For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against...the powers of this dark world and against the Spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms." Our war is not against one another, it's not against the opposing side in politics; it's against evil. So, we need to work together, and work alongside the only force to oppose evil, that is the power of God. Psalm 34:13-15 tells us "Turn away from evil, and do good. Look for peace and go after it. The Lord looks with favor on those who are godly. His ears are open to their cry." We need to fight evil with good. And, we do so by working together to take care of our kids in school.

After seeing so many of these instances in the news, I wanted to write a blog with some ideas that could help. I am sure many of you have already thought to do these things, but I figured if we all reinforce change, we can see it happen.

1. Why not metal detectors in every school? They already exist in some schools, but why not make it a goal for them to be in every school. Many not well-to-do school districts have them, so I would guess that more well-to-do school districts could afford them, too.

2. Why not a police officer and police dog at every school? Recently, on Wednesday, an officer in Illinois was considered a hero for saving countless lives in what could have been a deadly school shooting. Now, two days later, a deadly school shooting happened in Texas, only weeks after a previous deadly school shooting in Florida. Explosives were found outside the school.

3. We need to keep in mind that drugs are illegal; however, so many young people fall trap to them. Making things (explosives, drugs, guns, knives) illegal does not do the trick.

I am thankful for so many police officers that protect the lives of people in this country every day, and I think it would be an honor for them to protect so many young people in our schools. I pray we consider these changes and make it happen.

Thanks for reading!

~Melissa Seng

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Billy Graham and Franklin Graham:Why Have Their Ministries Looked So Different?

When we hear of Billy Graham, we think of a man who was kind, compassionate, wise, passionate to teach God's Word, and loyal to his family. We think of someone who was hard-working and devoted to living a life with an eternal perspective, a man who has impacted all of us in one way or another.

Billy Graham was definitely a great example, and his legacy continues. Since his passing, his son has received honor and recognition for his father's great work; however, Franklin Graham's ministry has been completely overlooked.

In response, I decided to check out the website to learn what has been left unsaid. Franklin Graham has been the President of Samaritan's Purse since 1978. He runs Operation Christmas Child and responds to people - after earthquakes, wars, hurricanes, famines, floods, etc. - to take care of them in their most desperate times. His mission is to care for the physical and spiritual needs of individuals. In September 2017, after Hurricane Irma and Maria, his organization brought tarps, blankets, water filters, and 1500 generators (and each one had enough power to charge a cell phone, refrigerator, and provide lighting!). The Rapid Response Team, which is a part of Samaritan's Purse, has responded to over 20 countries on six continents since 2001.

Billy Graham and Franklin Graham's ministries look completely different. Billy responded to his call to speak at stadiums around the world and to minister to presidents during some of the most challenging moments in their lives. He taught in a world where people knew that they needed to hear the Gospel, and they accepted the Bible as truth.

Franklin Graham cares for people in a world that does not know the truth. They did not grow up hearing the Bible taught in their homes, and many do not believe that there is a source of truth. His ministry looks different from that of his father's. It seems as though God sends some people to be encouragers to the nations and others to rebuke those who are falling away. Billy Graham was an encourager, and Franklin Graham, at times, rebukes the nation that is falling away. He posted an article recently on Facebook that stated that $543,700,000 from tax payer dollars in 2016-2017 went to Planned Parenthood. During that time, they performed 321,384 abortions. That is a nation that needs to find truth.

It takes one person with a vision and a mission for doing God's work and many caring people to carry it out to make a difference. I believe that Billy Graham's legacy and Franklin Graham's ministry can help us to have hope and help out this hurting world.

Thanks for reading!

~Melissa Seng

Thursday, May 10, 2018

Children Repeat More Than You Might Think

Have you ever noticed that children repeat everything you say? Perhaps, you are having a stressful morning and remark, "It's a terrible day." They repeat it and believe it. Another morning you see the sun come up and you say, "It's a great day." They repeat it and believe it. Another day you sing, "This is the day that the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it." Finally, they gain understanding. If you notice, in every case, it is not just the words; it's the attitude and perspective that adds to the impact we make on our children. They learn and grow from our example.

Jaden asked me this morning to sing him the Ghostbusters song. I smiled and sang it to him the best that I could. He listening intently, smiled and said, "That's right!" He was overjoyed. "That's what the teacher at church said!" he remarked. I thought, "They couldn't have been talking about Ghostbusters at church on Sunday." Then, after some clarification, I realized that it was not the case, but it was the simple words of affirmation and the positive attitude from a Sunday School teacher that he was repeating. The simple phrase "That's right!" combined with an attitude of approval, brought joy to him days later. That's the kind of impact we can have on our children, and I am thankful for that.

What kinds of words or phrases do you want your kids repeating? I like to hear "That's a great idea!" or "Let's go outside!" What kinds of actions do you want your kids to repeat? Doing yard work, cooking, or picking up toys might be few of them. What kinds of attitudes do you want to be reflected in them? A spirit of thanksgiving, a lack of complaining. If you display such characteristics, your kids will follow in your example. Lastly, what about perspective? What matters to you? How important is family? How important is being out and appreciating God's creation?  How important is it to learn, and have fun, and enjoy one another? These perspectives will be reflected in your children.

I pray that you realize the impact you are making, and choose to make it a good one every day.

Thanks for reading!

Melissa Seng

Saturday, May 5, 2018

Every Mile Gets Easier

Do you ever set goals for yourself and find that they are difficult to fulfill? I want to encourage you today with, possibly, some uncommon wisdom. I want to let you know that in any area of excellence you are pursuing, every mile gets easier. Perhaps, you want to write a book, or raise a family, or get into better physical shape, or understand the Scriptures, I want to tell you that every mile gets easier. In this blog, I use the analogy of running, but I encourage you to think about whatever goals you are pursuing as you read.

Life can be tough. In parenting, the first year, you may look like a train wreck. You want to have it all together, but your focus is completely on a little child who needs you. Watching out for them night and day, changing dirty diapers, entertaining them, and feeding them will fill your schedule. Toys, baby food, clothes, strollers, blankets, and diapers fill your house and car. That first milestone as a parent is hard. My mom always told me, "It gets easier." With two boys grown out of the baby stage, I can definitely say she's right. They are stronger, more independent, smarter, adapting to their surroundings. They are fun, full of energy, and have given me more than I have given them that first year of parenting. They do not do laundry, dishes, and cooking yet; but, that day will come.

Getting past that first mile in any endeavor makes all the difference. I watch professional athletes dunk the ball, or throw a pass, or complete a tackle with ease. And I can't help but realize that they make it look easy. That's part of the fun in watching sports. They have so much skill that the game becomes enjoyable. The same is true in parenting, and the same is true in life.

When we are working towards a goal, the most difficult part is the decision to start. It involves fear and self-doubt. It takes courage in recognizing that we need to be farther than we currently are in life. And it takes wisdom and positivity in learning from past mistakes. The decision to move forward takes a lot of emotional strength and effort.

People like to tell us that pursing a goal only gets more difficult as you go forward. I believe it's just the opposite. In exercise, the most difficult decision is getting out the door and getting those feet moving. Once you do, you get stronger, more energized, more confident, and more certain that you are doing the right thing. You see more clearly; you see that you can do this. You still experience the same temptations to give up, but you have come farther and can be encouraged to move forward with strength and character.

My favorite part about running is walking (outdoors!). My second favorite part is stretching. It is in those phases of my workout that I can tell how far I have come, how much stronger I feel, and how much more relaxed I am about the day. When we reach new levels and begin to achieve our goals, we can start to clear our mind of all of the negativity and stress that once had a place there.

Rich DeVoss once said, "Don't wait for things to happen. Make things happen. And when you make things happen, you change the condition." In running, Mile 1, I want to cry; mile 2, I start to see some progress; mile 3, I realize I have stuck with it long enough to see some results. From there, I just have to keep moving forward, as long as the investment is worth the rewards.

Running takes 100% effort for 100% results. It takes everything you've got. And, everything you put into it - the energy, enthusiasm, strength, time, money - you get back in one way or another. What in your life can you invest in at 100%? When our work is pleasing to God, he rewards us greatly because he has created us to do good works.

Thanks for reading!

~Melissa Seng

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Best Products for Your Health and Your Family

In taking care of our children, we know that we must take care of ourselves first. If we are not feeling well, we will not be at the top of our game in parenting. If our energy is lacking, our patience may be non-existent. If we are in pain, our temperament may be less than desirable. But, when we are healthy and well, we can be energized to teach and to be a good example to our kids.

When you have been under the weather, what has been your greatest desires? Probably to do absolutely nothing, except rest. On the contrary, when you are feeling great, what are your intentions? To have a great day with your family and to enjoy time to be refreshed and renewed.

Well, for these reasons, I want to give you a few tips that can help you to feel great...

*1.)Consider taking a multivitamin. Nutrilite created the first multivitamin on an organic farm, where no pesticides or chemicals get into the food. Avocado, asparagus, green tea, rosemary, alfalfa, tumeric, elderberry, blueberry, quercetin, spinach, and lycopene are just a few of the ingredients in the Nutrilite supplements. Even if you eat a well-balanced diet, it is not likely that you take in these foods every day. Also, consider getting a multivitamin for your kids, as well. If the product is NSF certified, that means that what is listed on the bottle is actually what is in the product. These products are NSF certified and are at

*2.)Limit sugary beverages. The dentist's advice on how to help prevent cavities is always to avoid sugary beverages. At I offer 1.)Twist Tubes to put in your water and 2.) XS (sugar free) energy drinks, filled with vitamins and with a great taste. The Twist Tubes contain pomegranate and acerola cherry concentrate.

*3.)Replace a meal with a shake. You can pick from Strawberry, Vanilla, and Chocolate Bodykey Meal Replacement Shakes. Protein, vitamins, and calcium all in one meal! You just mix it with water or blend it with your favorite recipe. I enjoy using almond milk, fruit, and honey.

You can look at other options to better your health at

I want to leave you with this thought. How can we help out other people if we are always trying to help out ourselves? And what if we made that extra effort to care for ourselves, so we can do a better job caring for one another?

Thanks for reading!

~Melissa Seng