Thursday, November 1, 2018

Why Do We Need the Bible?

This morning I was thinking about encouraging people to read the Bible, and a question came to my mind: Why do we read the Bible? Why does it matter? After all, we are born with the knowledge of good and evil and we seem to just know right from wrong as we assimilate ourselves into the culture. We have a society and laws based mostly upon Christian principles, so those teachings we accept at a young age. In addition, we can learn morals from our parents, our teachers, and our coaches when we are young. And as we grow, we learn from our peers and mentors. So why do we need the Bible?

As I work my way from Genesis through Revelation, I see history recorded and principles laid out for living a good life. I see a book full of advice, and I know that without following the advice and instructions in the Bible, we can expect emptiness and destruction. Proverbs 1:32 tells us that "foolish people will be destroyed by being satisfied with the way they live." We can destroy our lives if we are not following God's Word. We need encouragement and direction every day. 

I appreciate the wisdom in Proverbs 3:7-8: "...Have respect for the Lord and avoid evil. That will bring health to your body. It will make your bones strong." In a world with so many options, I hope you remember...

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart. Do not depend on your own understanding.
In all your ways obey him. Then he will make your paths smooth and straight."
(Proverbs 3:5-6)

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