Saturday, November 24, 2018

Keeping Yourself Healthy for the Holidays!

In our daily lives, I have found a few topics to be important. These topics have become my focal points in writing. When you become better in these areas, your life changes drastically for the better. The areas are Faith, Family, Fitness, and Food.

Faith determines our outlook on life. Faith in God gives us peace; faith in His Son gives us eternal security. Hebrews 11:3 tells us that "by faith we understand that the Universe was formed at God's command." When we have faith in God's Word, we gain direction, wisdom, and understanding. Family and fitness are the other topics, but in this blog I want to focus on food.

Just like faith, food has the power to impact every area of our lives. It has the power to give us strength and energy to enjoy our families. It has the power to make us ill, so that we cannot focus even on growing our faith. Food can help us to be excited about life, or it can take all the excitement right from us. 

It is fascinating to know that God values what we eat. He put some of the best foods in the Promised Land for His people. It was the land of milk and honey, but it also had pomegranates, olive oil, and much more. Genesis 1:29 tells us that God gave us "every seed-bearing plant...and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food." God made food that would be healing to the body and strength to our bones.

In our imperfect world, we come across a lot of food that is not healing to the body. The Daniel Plan tells us that MSG's, hidden in foods, cause hunger, headaches, allergies, and damage to the gut (2013). They triple your insulin production and lead to the storage of belly fat. Visceral fat sends toxins to your organs and stress hormones to the brain. 

Food can cause inflammation, which can lead to dementia, diabetes, cancer, and heart attack. Dr. Mehmet Oz in Food Can Fix It tells us that inflammation even sends signals to the brain to bring about feelings of depression (2017). 

Stress and depression is not just all in our head; it is actually real, and it can be caused by food! I experienced exactly what both of these doctors talk about in the books I mention above. Inflammation led to stress and feelings of depression. That's when I was introduced to natural healing through natural foods and supplements. A doctor who practiced holistic medicine saw that the changes in people's health were far more promising. 

I took a multivitamin, fish oil, and a probiotic, which is what The Daniel Plan teaches. Without exercise, weight-loss and feeling great seemed effortless, while eating natural foods. Dr. Oz promotes omega-3's to decrease inflammation and help the body adapt to stress (2017). He encourages phytonutrients to help detoxify the body and fight disease. He teaches that he could heal with steel, but long term health and vitality in life comes from nutrition. 

I hope you check out my website so that you, too, can get supplements that are made from beginning to end on an organic farm. Visit and the Nutrilite US Facebook page to keep yourself healthy for your family this holiday season and many more to come. 

Thanks for reading!

~Melissa Seng


Oz, Dr. Mehmet. (2017). Food Can Fix It. New York, NY: Simon & Schuster, Inc.

Warren, Rick, Amen, Daniel, & Hyman, Mark. (2013). The Daniel Plan: 40 Days to a Healthier Life. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan.

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