President Donald Trump just mentioned Hancock County in his speech about combating the nation's drug problem. Findlay, Ohio, particularly, is a family-oriented community, where families place high value on raising their kids and teaching them the value of hard-work and living a moral life. Unfortunately, even in conservative communities, drugs are having an impact on the youth.
Recently, I read an article about a young athlete who got addicted to a "study drug" in college and ended his life. The pictures showed that he was a good-looking, well-kept student. He had a bright future, as he was a focused, hard-working, and a well-liked individual. Sadly, drugs got in his path. His loving family didn't even know that he was struggling with addiction.
These types of stories tell me that we need to do more to help our kids. What can we do to help them before drugs come knocking at their door?
In reading Zig Ziglar's book, Better Than Good, written in 2006, he shares that we can make an incredible impact on our youth. He tells that his father passed away when he was young, but a man stepped into his life and treated him as a son. Zig Ziglar explains that he was filled with encouragement, direction, love and support, which helped to shape his character and his life. He states that we, too, can provide wisdom, encouragement, and care to the young people around us.
So, what tangible steps can we take as a community to teach children to stay away from drugs?
I go back to my personal experience in elementary school. For years, I watched these strong, purposeful, and courageous police officers come in to our classrooms and tell us that they care about us. They told us that drugs were bad and they wanted us to stay away from them. I realized, because of their sincerity, experience, and care, that I could rely on their words of wisdom. Those officers were the reason why I never let drugs come into my life.
Let's do the same for our kids. The D.A.R.E. program still exists in the classroom, but unfortunately between 2002 and 2010, the revenue declined from $10 million to $3.7 million after government reports that it wasn't effective ( Drug Abuse Resistance Education (D.A.R.E.) not only addresses drugs, but also violence, gangs, alcohol abuse, and peer pressure. It is an entire curriculum for helping our youth! What better things do we need to teach our kids in schools than such topics as these?!? Through this education, we can put our youth on the right path for success in and out of the classroom. And, more importantly, these topics are so pertinent because we do care.
Let's not only promote the education in the classrooms, but in the church, as well. A bible-centered curriculum for kids, that includes teachings on drugs, would be great. Some people may not be crazy about the idea, but if drugs can take our children away from our God and our family, we need to do our part to save them from such a lifestyle. Drugs contaminate the body and spirit, as well as relationships, and every aspect of a person's life. "Let us purify ourselves from everything that contaminates body and spirit, perfecting holiness, out of reverence for God (2 Corinthians 7:1). We need to teach our kids these truths, through the Word of God, so that they can be equipped to do every good work (2 Timothy 3:16-17).
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Melissa Seng
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Melissa Seng
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