Saturday, December 2, 2017

Five Great Gift Ideas for Kids in a Christian Home

It's the holiday season, and it's great to hear Christmas music once again. The thought of shopping is exciting as we think of gifts to bless our family and friends. On the other hand, it can be a bit stressful trying to find good buys, especially for those who are not usually big shoppers. So, I wanted to give you some ideas here. These ideas are not wild and crazy, but they are meaningful, and may very well be appreciated for years to come.

1. Movie night: The Star
    *The Star is such a fun, family-friendly movie that teaches the Christmas story in a unique way.

2. Focus on the Family's Clubhouse Jr. Magazine
    *Clubhouse Jr. Magazine is a fun way for kids to learn to apply Biblical knowledge to everyday circumstances. There are stories, crafts, jokes, all in a light-hearted manner for kids to enjoy. It's entertaining and educational for kids. Clubhouse Magazine Jr. is for kids age 3-7. Clubhouse Magazine is for kids age 8-12.

3. The Veggie Tales Bible or The Jesus Storybook Bible
    *The Veggie Tales Bible is an NIRV (New International Reader's Version) Bible. The Jesus Storybook Bible is a much condensed version of the Bible. You can find them at your local Christian bookstore.

4. Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace Jr.
    *Financial Peace Jr. is for ages 3-12 and involves a fun curriculum for teaching children about money, and it's only $19.99.

5. Bill Seng's The Wrath of Giganotus Rex
    *The Wrath of Giganotus Rex is a fictional book that is geared towards middle school kids on up. It tells the story of a reporter, William Stevens, who is searching for truth. It is action-packed, and filled with a definite good vs. evil plot. You can get a copy at

I hope these ideas are helpful to you as you enjoy the Christmas season!

Thanks for reading!

~Melissa Seng

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