Friday, March 2, 2018

Tips to Help Busy Parents Fit in a Workout At Home

Is it exhausting to think about all the tasks you have to complete every day? We are pretty complex creations and just to take care of ourselves, it is a chore, let alone taking care of our children. The thought of working out makes it even more daunting. So, how do we begin to think about fitting in a workout at home?

I was reading a library book to my son the other day about sleep. It was actually about the importance of sleep. It explained how your body recovers during the night, rebuilds, and fights off infection. It mentioned that a 10-year-old has slept about 3 years of his life. Ironically, I took the contents of this book that explained the importance of sleep and was encouraged to focus on just the opposite. I could wake up early; after all, I have already slept about 10 years of my life!

Of course, we all need sleep, but it does give us a new perspective. If we get up a little bit early each day, we will still be alright.

So here are some tips to help you get out of bed...

*Start your morning off with water and your favorite healthy beverage. If you plan to drink something right away that you enjoy, you are more likely to want to begin your day. I would recommend XS ( It is refreshing, carbonated, sugar-free, and tasty! Wild-berry, Lemon, and Rootbeer (3 different flavors) are some of my favorites.

*Take vitamins. Many people walk around exhausted. If you are focused and energized, getting up will be a delight, rather than a chore. At, you can find a Women's Pack or Men's Pack, which is about $1 a day, less than a cup of coffee!

*Set a timer. If you set it for 20 minutes, you will keep moving and get down to business. Before you know it, your morning exercise is complete.

*Trade off days with your spouse. Some mornings, ask your spouse to be in charge of the kids, so that you do not have to worry about any interruptions. Other mornings, encourage your spouse and you take care of the kids.

*Start off with a bang. Push yourself to see results. When you do, you will be encouraged to keep going.

*Use exercise videos to start. They will teach you proper form and new exercises. Then, once you have a good list of exercises, ditch the videos. Focus on your own personal new levels, rather than the accomplishments of others. You can always go back to learning new exercises when you need them.

*Remember that when you "Sharpen the Saw," your daily chores will not be as daunting (Covey, 2003). According to 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, "sharpening the saw" is like self-renewal. It may take 30 minutes to cut a log (complete a task) with a dull saw. But, what if you sharpen the saw first?
      5 minutes to sharpen the saw (i.e. taking care of yourself) + 10 minutes to cut the log with a sharpened saw = 15 minutes. The job, including the time it takes to build yourself up, is done in half the time! If you take time to work-out, the time it takes you to do certain tasks in the home (or at work) could be cut in half!

With some strategy, tasty motivation, a little freedom from the kids, and a mindset on self-renewal, you will be on your way to a healthy exercise routine at home. I hope these tips are a great help to you! It's the season to begin feeling good again. Thanks for reading!

~Melissa Seng


Covey, Stephen R. (2003). The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Personal Workbook. Simon & Schuster; New York, New York.

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